Creative City invites you to the Newspaper House!
March 3rd - 9th on Gillett Square
Dalston (Hackney N16)
[Unveiling March 8th from 2pm]
The Newspaper House is a public art installation making use of YOUR (the public's) newspapers and erected in Dalston's Gillett Square (Hackney) from March 3 to 9th, 2008.
Sumer Erek, installation artist, will be building an art-house in just one week. Members of the public are invited to bring newspapers to the Square to add to grow the installation. Visitors will also be invited to insert their own news into the newspaper, before rolling it.

This is the first art in the public realm proposal to be introduced to Gillett Square and an ambitious public art piece by Creative City.
Creative City would like to see more collaborations and inspire high quality art work of a collaborative and participatory nature. As the Newspaper House gains momentum, we are hoping to continue growing it and take it to new locations!

This exciting project was funded by Hackney Council's Cultural Team and Partnership Development Officer Sandra Collins has pushed for the Newspaper House to happen in Gillett Square. It includes partnership development with Hackney Council's Cultural team, Environment and Recycling Team, The Learning Trust and Hackney Cooperative Development's Gillett Squared project. Its R&D was funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Arts Council England and UnLt.
The success of this work would not have been possible without the considerable and amazing support from the local community and a dedicated team of volunteers and visionary people.
The Newspaper House hopes to see you, with your newspapers during the making, and at the unveiling. It will not be the same without your contribution.
Don't forget to come collecting newspapers on Wed 27th as part of Project Freesheet's Walk About!
Newspaperhouse on Facebook
press[@] for press
karen[@] for info
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